From Lindsay Pontius:
- From the Center of the World: A Celebration of Lake Champlain - a theatre piece based on writings by Shami McCormick and Lindsay Pontius has 3 more performances (Friday July 31 at 11am, Sun. Aug 2 at 4 pm at the Museum in E'town call for reservations 873-6466) and at the Westport Heritage Festival on Sat. Aug 8 time TBA
- Shakespeare in the Park- local youth performing in Midsummer Night's Dream in Ballard Park Aug. 14 & !5 at 5 pm. Performances are free.
- Also, the WCS teachers and I have been planning throughout the summer. It looks like one of the final products will involve oral history and a documentary film developed by students about what it means to be a local artist. I think this aligns with our goal of creating more interface between school and community.