Via Elizabeth Lee, Communications Committee, Future for Westport:
Dear Friends of Westport,
Since June of 2008 many projects have spun off either directly or indirectly as a result of the Future of Westport initiative that began with input from all of you, the people of Westport. As the Steering Committee resumes our effort to follow through with ideas, we thought it encouraging to see what has been accomplished. Below please find a list of some great successes. If we neglected to mention something, please accept our apologies and let us know.
The following activities have been initiated and/or completed in the last 18 months in Westport and Wadhams:Thank you to all who have participated in these projects. Through scheduled meetings, public events, electronic communication and common neighborliness we are getting to know one another in new ways and improving the quality of our relationships as a community. The Steering Committee recognizes that this is only the beginning of what we hoped for and what we can do together. Several committees have not been active due to lack of participants and/or leadership. Please consider getting involved. Please contact any member of the Steering Committee or respond to this email if you would like more information.
- A weekly column about events in Westport has been published in the local paper.
- A new business has opened on Main Street.
- Lots of documents about the community have been gathered and made available in the public libraries. This information includes a number of reports and studies done over the past few decades as well as the most current demographic information available.
- A Westport Central School reunion was held in Aug. 2009 and a database of school alumni has been created and is being updated.
- A survey was conducted by the Office of the Aging and presented in a public meeting. The information provides the county with vital information for emergency response planning while at the same time provides our community with valuable data to guide our planning.
- The Heritage House hosted a visitor's center staffed by approximately 50 volunteers.
- Several community lunches have been hosted by the bakery in Wadhams. Proceeds have benefited various local agencies.
- One new volunteer firefighter has completed the first level of rigorous training and is responding to calls.
- A new logo has been designed and adopted to promote local commerce.
- The Quadricentennial events involved many local residents as planners and participants.
- A grant proposal was successfully developed, submitted and rewarded with $50,000 for arts activities.
- Numerous improvements have been made to web sites serving as portals to the Town of Westport, the Westport Chamber of Commerce and the Westport Central School.
- A sound system and computers have enhanced the Heritage House as a community facility.
- Public presentations have been held to educate tax payers about property assessment.
- A business owner has undertaken the development of a large scale project with the potential to bring 30-40 jobs to our town.
- A grant has been received to create a school garden through a partnership between the school, interested community members and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
- Over 50 people turned out to the first "Thursdays Inn," a social hour held at the Inn on the Library Lawn for the purpose of congenial and informal gathering.
- The lakeshore habitat seems to be sustaining a healthy eagle population. Last week six eagles were sited by Larry Carroll at one time on the ice near the Westport Marina.
- Numerous academic, athletic and music awards have been earned by students in school. Both the boys' and the girls' varsity basketball teams head into the Section 7 tournament with outstanding regular season records. The girls play next on Friday, February 26 at 7 p.m. in Westport. Boys play next on Saturday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m., also in Westport.
George Maffey, Rick Rockefeller, George King, Nancy Page, Dan Connell, Dan McCormick, Elizabeth Lee and Shami McCormick.