I endorse Michael "Ike" Tyler for Sheriff of Essex County, NY.
It came to my attention over the weekend at the conclusion of the Essex County Fair that the current administration of the Essex County Sheriff's office is either letting or requiring its deputies to work excessive overtime. One officer stated in my presence on the morning of August 17th that he had been working 19 hours and had been awake for 24 hours.
This sort of excessive overtime can and does lead to bad decisions on the part of police officers and the use of excessive force. This is a serious matter of public safety, so I urge you to vote for Ike Tyler. The current administration must go.
At the moment I am registered to vote in Westchester County, but I consider this matter of such urgency that I am changing my voter registration to Essex County in order to vote against the incumbent, Henry Hommes. I encourage others to do likewise.